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Battle Begins For CA Congressional Seat

News Blaze (2010-09-02) Claudia Strasbaugh

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Battle Begins For CA Congressional Seat

By Claudia Strasbaugh

San Diego's "Democratic Unity Campaign" kickoff and rally was held this weekend at Harry Griffen Park in La Mesa. Among highlighted speakers were State Senator Christine Kehoe, Assembly member Marty Block, County Assessor-Recorder-Clerk David Butler, and other officials working toward November elections.

Of course the major push among guests seated on green park lawns around the Ampitheatre were fans of Ray Lutz who will be the Dem's big win if his behemoth effort to unseat Republican Congressman Hunter is successful.

It appears there are no significant poll results, however Lutz has been seen covering the 52nd District without let up. His hunger strike designed to force Hunter into debates didn't quite work out as hoped - yet Lutz supporters are undeterred. Efforts by Lutz are now seen spreading beyond the east county into the Scripps-Poway areas, which is good for any southern California candidate.

The major differences in these candidate's goals for America are more ideological spending than willingness to pare back big government and its costs. Hunter, like his father who held the Congressional seat before him, is every bit the military hawk willing to continue enrichment of war profiteers.

Lutz on the other hand refuses to acknowledge let alone accept that no country can import poverty and illiteracy for more than 30 years without sealing its own doom.

The choices are dismal. One is to continue to support 20% of a third-world country wreaking havoc inside our borders as illegal aliens who have criminally invaded our country feed off it. Or we could continue to train our youth to murder strangers in foreign countries rather then learn skills that lead to a better future for the United States.

Both are sad choices.

Let us hope in the next election we have candidates willing to first serve our people, rather than federal contract seekers and corporate lust for cheap labor.

Either candidate's platform change can handily win this election.

Media Form edit

Title Battle Begins For CA Congressional Seat
Publisher News Blaze
Author Claudia Strasbaugh
Pub Date 2010-09-02
Media Link
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Note Features Ray Lutz
Keywords CA 50 Congressional District
Media Type Linked Article
Media Group Op Ed
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
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Topic revision: r2 - 25 Feb 2013, RaymondLutz
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