Early Blackwater Emails

Revealing emails we found in the project file describing the cozy working relationship with DPLU.

Charlene Sez: On June 1, 2007, I looked through the Blackwater West project file. These emails from the "early" days were in the file. They are interesting for their content and for the list of people on the email lists.

While reading the file, I noticed that two of Duncan McFetridge's attorneys are involved with Blackwater already; Marco Gonzalez, and Shuite, Mahaly and Weisberg (not sure that is the correct set of spellings but it's close). They have both put in Public Record Requests. Both sets of attorneys have been really IRRITATING to the County in the past, so I think the idea of having attorneys lurking has been fulfilled.

I was reading through these emails and noticed an old term; "murder board."

I ran across this one in 1998-1999 when the County set up one as part of their strategy to fight and defeat Duncan's Rural Heritage and Watershed Initiative (1998). From my notes (10-25-99) of the trial over Duncan's PRA request: "Murder Board is a team which gets together to shoot hard questions of the presenters." This is to prepare for the expected opposition to a project.

  • Emails between Blackwater, planners, consultants (2006):

  • Email: 06-31-06 Bonfiglio to DPLU: "Thursday Meeting":

  • email 9-01-06 Bonfiglio to DPLU: "Property Owner":

  • Email 9-28-06 Russell Hunt: "Blackwater West - Water Demand":

  • Email: 28 Sep 2006 Nikki Clay to Bonfiglio & DPLU: "Follow up to Sept. 29 Meeting"

  • Email: 09 Nov 2006 Bonfiglio to DPLU: "Re: Blackwater Submittal"

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Blackwater_emails-1.JPGJPG Blackwater_emails-1.JPG manage 108 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:23 Raymond Lutz Email: 06-31-06 Bonfiglio to DPLU: "Thursday Meeting"
Blackwater_emails-2.JPGJPG Blackwater_emails-2.JPG manage 113 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:23 Raymond Lutz email 9-01-06 Bonfiglio to DPLU: "Property Owner"
Blackwater_emails-3.JPGJPG Blackwater_emails-3.JPG manage 185 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:23 Raymond Lutz Email 9-28-06 Russell Hunt: "Blackwater West - Water Demand"
Blackwater_emails-4.JPGJPG Blackwater_emails-4.JPG manage 56 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:23 Unknown User Email 9-28-06 from Nikki Clay to Bonfiglio, et al "Followup to Sept. 29 Meeting"
Blackwater_emails-5.JPGJPG Blackwater_emails-5.JPG manage 171 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:23 Unknown User Email 11-9-06 Bonfiglio to DPLU: "Re. Blackwater Submittal"
Topic revision: r7 - 11 Mar 2015, RaymondLutz
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