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Occupy Update!



FLASH MOB was a great success

  • According to @OccupyArrests, Occupy SD has had 129 arrests. That puts us as 6th in the nation.
    1. Wall Street 1443
    2. Oakland 239
    3. Tucson 370
    4. Chicago 352
    5. Boston 153
    6. San Diego 129
    7. San Francisco 128

Despite what you might hear on the corporate-owned news:
  • The occupation continues, around the clock.
  • PLEASE COME DOWN when you can and help with numbers. This is your true vote. Stay at home = vote against 99%.
  • Tents and almost everything is now being restricted by the police.
  • Food is needed -- we no longer have a food table, so you'll have to play it by ear.
  • We will not be denied our constitutional right to assemble and speak!
  • Many Teach-ins on Sunday! <== click here to see the rest of the report.

Court Hearing
(Some corrections are marked below)
Federal court hearing of the TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) regarding Municipal Code 54.0110. Judge Hayes heard the oral arguments at 2:30pm on Tuesday, Nov 22. We must all thank the protestors who attended this court hearing and exhibited excellent courtesy. Here are my comments:
  • Court Documents
  • Attorney Bryan Pease could not attend in person because he just completed Lasik eye surgery. He attended by telephone but did not participate in the hearing.
  • Attorney Todd Cardiff presented the arguments in favor of the restraining order.
    • The primary argument is that the law is vague and overly broad, and therefore subject to abuse. It outlaws anything on public property, even a coffee cup, and even if it is for free speech.
    • We are talking about the civic center plaza here, which is specifically set aside for free speech.
    • Quoted ACLU vs. City of Las Vegas
  • Asst City Attorney Kristin Black presented the defense for the City.
    • Said TRO is not required, because there is no imminent harm. She said the protests have been continuing with out disruption since Oct 7 and there is no infringement of freedom of speech. If this was a big concern, then this case should have been brought sooner.
    • She said that the law was only used when the plaza was cleared, because they did not want the protestors setting up their tents and gear while the square was being cleared. Of course we know this statement was far from being accurate.
    • She said they have not "precluded anyone from putting anything down." Maybe, but I know once it is put down, the police will threaten arrest if you don't pick it up.
  • Judge said he would consider all the arguments and release a written decision. Normally, these don't take very long.
  • If this Temporary Restraining Order is approved, we will return!
  • We need video documentation of police hassling people about setting stuff down. If you have such a video, please contact me at so I can get it to the right people.

  • GA notes -- will be sent as a separate email blast, when available.

  • Hunger Strike -- John Kenney continues his hunger strike, now in day 15. He is requesting that the City come to the table and discuss the right of Occupy San Diego to conduct protests in the form of an encampment. John is now sick and I am starting to worry about his health. Nancy Casady is no longer on Hunger Strike.


This is a new section and will list a number of things YOU can do right now to help.

Opeds Submitted

Have you submitted a letter to the UT or another publication? Send it to the email blast and we'll publish it here! They may not print it, but we will.

By Anita Simons:
It’s interesting that when the 1% are opposed by anyone who reveals that corporations have far too much power in our political system, that Wall Street banks crashed our economy but were never held accountable, and that the richest 400 Americans have more wealth than half of all Americans—156 million people—combined, they must resort to deflecting from those issues. In the case of OSD, the Mayor ordered the Police Chief to begin round the clock phalanx of officers at Civic Center. I’ve been down there since October 7 and have never understood this. This is a peaceful demonstration, albeit noisy at times, but never violent unless you include the officers who conduct raids and show up in riot gear. A picture is worth a thousand words, and the one in the paper illustrates the wasteful use of tax dollars. On most days, the cops outnumber the protesters 3-to-1. It’s time to end the Strong Mayor form of government, rid our city of the current dictatorship and waste of tax dollars and get our cops back on the streets where they belong.



2011 Nov 26

  • Off-duty police pepper spray NC shoppers
  • Occupy LA videos of City Liason Meeting with Deputy Mayor Matt Szabo 11-23-11
  • Retired NY Supreme Court Justice Karen Smith Roughed up by Cops for Intervening in Brutal Beating of ‘Occupy’ Protester’s Momshe was working as a legal observer for the National Lawyers Guild, immediately identifiable as such by her day-glo neon green hat, when she witnessed a shocking incident of police brutality.
    “I walk over and I say, ‘Look, cuff her if she’s done something, but you don’t need to do that.’ He said, ‘lady, you want to get arrested?’ I said, ‘Do you see my hat? I’m here as a legal observer.’ He said, ‘Do you want to get arrested?’ and he pushed me up against the wall.”
    And chillingly, journalists have also been targeted for beatings and arrest for nothing more than doing their jobs. NYPD officers told reporters that “you’re not press tonight” as they roughed up and arrested employees of NPR, the New York Times, the New York Post, NBC and other outlets big and small after the powers-that-be decided to black out media access to the Zuccotti Park/Liberty Square eviction site.
  • The shocking truth about the crackdown on Occupy The New York Times reported that "New York cops have arrested, punched, whacked, shoved to the ground and tossed a barrier at reporters and photographers" covering protests. Reporters were asked by NYPD to raise their hands to prove they had credentials: when many dutifully did so, they were taken, upon threat of arrest, away from the story they were covering, and penned far from the site in which the news was unfolding. Other reporters wearing press passes were arrested and roughed up by cops, after being – falsely – informed by police that "It is illegal to take pictures on the sidewalk."
    Why this massive mobilisation against these not-yet-fully-articulated, unarmed, inchoate people? After all, protesters against the war in Iraq, Tea Party rallies and others have all proceeded without this coordinated crackdown. Is it really the camping? As I write, two hundred young people, with sleeping bags, suitcases and even folding chairs, are still camping out all night and day outside of NBC on public sidewalks – under the benevolent eye of an NYPD cop – awaiting Saturday Night Live tickets, so surely the camping is not the issue. I was still deeply puzzled as to why OWS, this hapless, hopeful band, would call out a violent federal response.
  • Boycott "Black Friday", Solidarity with Striking Chinese Workers!This Black Friday, as millions of Americans scramble to find the "best deals" on consumer goods, thousands of Chinese manufacturing workers are striking to demand livable wages, job security, and other basic rights. In Huangjiang alone, 8,000 striking shoe factory workers took the streets Thursday, blocking roads and standing down lines of riot police
  • list of companies we've confirmed are "Exporting AmericaThese are U.S. companies either sending American jobs overseas, or choosing to employ cheap overseas labor, instead of American workers.


See All Occupy San Diego Announcements to read all previous announcements about
  • Where we meet, how to recover confiscated property from the San Diego Police Department, information for people were arrested, etc.

Unless noted, all events are at "Freedom Square" (the San Diego Civic Center Plaza, 1200 3rd Ave. San Diego, Intersection of 3rd Ave. and B St.)
Unless otherwise noted, we meet daily as follows:
  • 4 pm -- Finance Committee Meeting, Downtown Johnny Brown's, Mon. thru Friday
    • Each committee should send a representative to this meeting! Budget is currently being defined.
  • 5:30 pm -- Committee meetings -- many meet at the "big circle" (the part of the plaza where there's map of San Diego in a big circle) with very few exceptions.
  • 7pm -- General Assembly (Civic Center Plaza)


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Occupy San Diego & Imperial County (Visit each site and "Like" it)

National Coordination

User's Tip

Since we get new subscribers every day much of the email blast will be the same as the last one. BUT, you can view JUST THE DIFFERENCES if you want to, so you can read it faster.
  1. Go to the web version of the email blast.
  2. Scroll to the bottom. Click "More Topic Actions"
  3. Go to the sections "Compare Revisions"
  4. Compare the current topic ("3" in this one) to 1 (which is the prior day's)
  5. Click COMPARE.
  • This does not show some changes, like images, so you should scan the original email too.
  • At the bottom of the original topic, you can view any older version (click the numbers) or comparisons ("<") by clicking on the list. (Doesn't work for our case of comparing one day to the next because there are usually several revisions before the final one, so you have to use the "Compare Revisions" function.


If you have:
  • lists of emails that should be subscribed
  • events or notices that should be included
  • needs or wants to request from our supporters
  • specific requests for volunteers
SEND TO: (Media Committee Member)
and we'll work to get that information included in this daily update.

DISCLAIMER! Although we will do our best to make sure this list of events is accurate, changes may occur frequently! Please check your email daily to make sure and also the various web sites.


Edited by Ray Lutz with help from Email Blast Team.

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comic-donttheyhavejobs.jpgjpg comic-donttheyhavejobs.jpg manage 78 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:23 Raymond Lutz  
This topic: Occupy > COPsProgram > OccupySanDiego > OccupySanDiegoEmailBlasts > OccupySanDiegoEmailBlast2011Nov26
Topic revision: 19 Mar 2018, RaymondLutz
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