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Pre-primary party for Ray Lutz -- Snacks and Drinks, Live Music

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Come and support Ray in his campaign to unseat Duncan D. Hunter (AKA "Junior") from the seat he "inherited" from his father... Our suite is just behind the Los Rancheros Mexican Restaurant. We will be using the patio and restaurant in the front that used to be called the Bourbon Street Cafe.

Enjoy light snacks and beverages -- Come and meet Ray, listen to his positions on issues, pick up a yard sign, and let's stop Duncan D. Hunter and the continuation of the Hunter dynasty!

Main event is 2-4 pm, followed by live music from 4-6 pm by the BOVOBS -- "Burnt out victims of Bushonomics" for more information.

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Thumbnail Link DontBeNutsLogoColor201x101.jpg
Sponsor Lutz For Congress 2010
Date 2010-05-16
Event Time 2pm
Title Pre-primary party for Ray Lutz
Program Snacks and Drinks, Live Music
Venue Lutz For Congress Campaign Headquarters
Info URL
Info Phone 619-447-3246
Info Email
Policy Please RSVP, Open To Public, Free
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
DontBeNutsLogoColor101x51.jpgjpg DontBeNutsLogoColor101x51.jpg manage 2 K 11 May 2010 - 18:46 Raymond Lutz Don't be Nuts sign, color
DontBeNutsLogoColor201x101.jpgjpg DontBeNutsLogoColor201x101.jpg manage 6 K 11 May 2010 - 18:46 Raymond Lutz Don't be Nuts sign, color 201x101
DontBeNutsLogoGray200x100.jpgjpg DontBeNutsLogoGray200x100.jpg manage 9 K 11 May 2010 - 18:42 Raymond Lutz Don't be Nuts sign
bovobsweb.jpgjpg bovobsweb.jpg manage 142 K 11 May 2010 - 18:54 Raymond Lutz BOVOBS Band
lutzpreprimarymay16.pdfpdf lutzpreprimarymay16.pdf manage 524 K 12 May 2010 - 15:58 Raymond Lutz Flier for printing and distribution - Prints well in color and B&W
Topic revision: r4 - 13 May 2010, JazzSnyder
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