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Current Events Theater -- Zeitgeist The Movie

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Zeitgeist -- Overview

They must find it difficult... Those who have taken authority as the truth rather than truth as the authority.
     -- Gerald Massey

Look at the world from a more critical perspective... Things are not what the population at large think they are.

There is a tendency to simply disbelieve things that are counter to our understanding.

PART 1: The story of Christ, Horus, Krishna, Mithra, and many other mythical figures and their common relationship to astronomical and astrological customs. You’ll appreciate this overview whether you are a born-again Christian or a devout atheist.

PART 2: The story of 9/11 and the weaknesses of the official story. This overview does not include just the collapse of the buildings, but all aspects of the catastrophe.

PART 3: The story of the Federal Reserve Bank, and how they assert “criminal” control over our economy, sucking money out by lending to the government.

This film will leave you breathless!

Understand the story of Christ like you never have before!

Watch this film at your own risk! It will change your view of your beliefs like no other!

Common Calendar Entry

  • 15 Mar 2010 - The film "Zeitgeist" will be broadcast on COX Public Access, Channel 23 (or Channel 18) at 9pm. The three parts of this film considers the story of Christ as an astronomical story, inconsistencies in the official story of 9/11, and the problem with our monetary system. Details

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Thumbnail Link twintowers98x92.jpg
Sponsor Citizens Oversight
Date 2010-03-15
Event Time 9pm
Title Current Events Theater
Program Zeitgeist The Movie
Venue Public Access COX Channel 23 or 18
Info URL
Info Phone
Info Email
Policy Open To Public, Free
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Zeitgeistcombo_color.jpgjpg Zeitgeistcombo_color.jpg manage 42 K 11 Jul 2009 - 23:15 Raymond Lutz Zeitgeist combo
twintowers.jpgjpg twintowers.jpg manage 34 K 11 Jul 2009 - 23:07 Raymond Lutz Twin Towers under attack
twintowers98x92.jpgjpg twintowers98x92.jpg manage 2 K 11 Jul 2009 - 23:11 Raymond Lutz Thumbnail of twin towers under attack
Topic revision: r2 - 24 Apr 2011, RaymondLutz
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