Submit Petition

We appreciate your help to apply pressure to our public officials. We have a three-step, relatively painless process below.

  1. Compose and submit a petition to us so we can use it when we approach elected officials (in a big pile, hopefully)
  2. Send emails to those officials (when we have their email addresses
  3. Send physical letters (This costs a bit more but has even more impact!) Just print out your letters, pop into envelopes, and send.

Step 1: Submit a petition letter

  • The more details you can provide, the more impact your petition letter, emails, and physical letters will have!
  • Please modify the letter to make it your own, or add comments. This letter will be saved as your petition letter, will be used as emails to officials, and the body of physical letters you can print.
  • Customize the Subject to avoid getting trapped in spam filters.
  • (If all the fields below are blank, you need to start from a specific project page.)

%STARTFORM{name="petitionForm" action="" method="POST" redirectto=""}%
Submit Petition

%FORMELEMENT{ name="FirstName" type="text" mandatory="on" title="First Name:" format=""}% %FORMELEMENT{ name="LastName" type="text" mandatory="on" title="Last Name:" format=""}% %FORMELEMENT{ name="Address" type="text" mandatory="off" validate="off" title="Address:" format=""}%

%FORMELEMENT{ name="CityStateZip" type="text" mandatory="off" validate="off" title="City, State Zip:" format=""}% %FORMELEMENT{ name="From" type="text" mandatory="on" validate="email" title="Your Email:" format=""}% %FORMELEMENT{ name="Phone" type="text" mandatory="off" validate="off" title="Your Phone:" format=""}% %FORMELEMENT{ name="Subject" type="text" mandatory="on" title="Email Subject:" format=""}%
Your Comments:
%FORMELEMENT{type="submit" buttonlabel="Submit Petition"}% When you click this button, you will go immediately to Step 2: Submit Emails

%SENDEMAIL{feedbackSuccess="Request sent, now move to the next step." feedbackError="Could not send your message, please check it over." }%

-- Raymond Lutz - 03 Jul 2008

This topic: Common > SubmitPetition
Topic revision: 09 Mar 2009, RaymondLutz
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