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Citizens' Oversight: Election Scrutiny Extended to Florida and Arizona Primary Elections

Citizens Oversight (2016-08-30) Ray Lutz

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Citizens' Oversight: Election Scrutiny Extended to Florida and Arizona Primary Elections

17 counties targeted for intense scrutiny by volunteers

"Election Corruption must stop!"

SAN DIEGO (August 30, 2016) -- Citizens' Oversight, Inc. (also known as Citizens' Oversight Projects, or “COPs”) is extending their successful “Snapshot Protocol” to two counties in Arizona (Maricopa and Pima) and 15 of the most populous counties in Florida.

Counties in Florida targeted for oversight. Red = rank top 20%, Blue top 40%

Ray Lutz, COPs National Coordinator explains, “Florida and Arizona have some of the weakest possible audits as they consider as few as one race and 1% of the precincts that include that race.The oversight template we have successfully deployed in San Diego and some other CA counties is applicable to any district with any viable audit process. Our successful election lawsuit in San Diego provides confidence that we know what we are doing.”

COPs asks existing networks of activists to spread the word so we can get enough boots on the ground to provide this essential oversight. Specific instructions for elections oversight volunteers in Florida and Arizona are available here:

These instructions focus on the audit process and requires that volunteers attend one or two public meetings conducted by elections officials and witness the manual tallying process. The meetings and process will occur in early September and later in September. The exact dates and times vary from county to county.

Our election system can be easily hacked or rigged by insiders and outsiders. The audit process, as weak as it is in these states, is still better than nothing. The only chance we have is that any fraudster will avoid making changes if they know there is some small chance they could be caught. But we have to watch what officials are doing because anyone can become compromised, and unfortunately, officials who have been elected by a rigged system will leave it as is.

After the presidential primary election, voters have become concerned that our elections process is rigged. We need to stop this trend, and that means we need volunteers to step forward and help us provide desperately needed oversight.”

Citizens Oversight is seeking volunteers immediately to help provide oversight in Florida and Arizona immediately, and then also in November in other election districts in California, most particularly the big three: LA, SD, and OC, which account for about 50% of voters in the state. The top dozen counties in California are (in order): Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange, Riverside, Alameda, Santa Clara, San Bernardino, Sacramento, Contra Costa, San Francisco, Fresno, and Ventura. These 12 counties account for 76% of the electorate and we must have oversight teams trained and in place in each county by October. Also, we want to extend the Snapshot Protocol -- a procedure to carefully monitor the audit process -- to any other states that mandate a post-election audit for the November election as well.

Volunteers can sign up at: http://

Donations are accepted at http://

Please do not get fooled by copy-cat sites. Citizens Oversight is the group doing the heavy lifting and will be offering training to teams in election districts so we will be effective in combating election fraud.

Citizens Oversight is a 501(c)3 Delaware corporation with primary offices in California and is a nonpartisan organization.


Ray Lutz, Citizens




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Title Citizens' Oversight: Election Scrutiny Extended to Florida and Arizona Primary Elections
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Ray Lutz
Pub Date 2016-08-30
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Keywords Election Integrity, Election Team, Snapshot Protocol, Snapshot Protocol
Media Type Article, PDF
Media Group News, News Release
Curator Rating Plain
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Topic revision: r1 - 30 Aug 2016, RaymondLutz
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