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California Energy Commission on Nuclear Energy, 2013-06-19

Citizens Oversight (2013-06-19) Ray Lutz

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More Info: Shut San Onofre

This meeting occurred just after the announcement by Southern California Edison that they would not attempt to restart either unit at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) as of June 7, 2013. Therefore, instead of talking mainly about San Onofre, the discussion focused on the earthquake threat to the Diablo Canyon Power Plant.

You Tube Playlist

This playlist includes all six videos:

Webex Presentation

YOU MAY WANT TO PLAY the WEBEX presentation at this address, which contains the slides in high-resolution and the audio, at the same time as this video for your best viewing experience (its really not that confusing!)
CEC Nuclear Workshop 2013-06-19 WebEx

Part 1

TO SYNCHRONIZE WITH WEBEX: Play/FF Web Ex to 3:15 and start video. Listen to Web Ex as the audio is clearer. If you pause the YouTube Video carefully, you can synchronize the two and watch BOTH the video and webex slides. Slides will turn the same as in the video but at much higher resolution!

  • Introductions of the Commissioners:
    • Robert B. Weisenmiller, Ph.D. -- Chair, California Energy Commission
    • Andrew McAllister -- Commissioner, California Energy Commission
    • Michel Peter Florio -- Commissioner, California Public Utilities Commission
  • Presentation by Edison on status of San Onofre
    • Approx. 2346 assemblies in fuel pools 746 in dry cask storage.
    • Need 25% of flow in once-through cooling to cool fuel pools.
    • 7-12 years to move fuel from fuel pools to dry cask storage.
    • Slides of SEC presentation on San Onofre.

Part 2

TO SYNCHRONIZE WITH WEBEX: Play/FF Web Ex to 50:25 and start video. Listen to Web Ex as the audio is clearer. If you pause the YouTube Video carefully, you can synchronize the two and watch BOTH the video and webex slides. Slides will turn the same as in the video but at much higher resolution!

  • Stuart Nishenko (of PG&E) -- Central Coast California Seismic Imaging Project, Technical manager -- Diablo Canyon Seismic Hazard Update (begins Video part 2)
    • SSHAC scheduled to be completed in 2015 (Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee)

Part 2A

(Sorry about the numbering foul-up.) This is the third part in the morning.

TO SYNCHRONIZE WITH WEBEX: Play/FF WebEx to (1:46:21) and start video. Listen to WebEx as the audio is clearer. If you pause the YouTube Video carefully, you can synchronize the two and watch BOTH the video and webex slides. Slides will turn the same as in the video but at much higher resolution!

  • Clifford Munson, Ph.D., Senior Level Adviser, Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis, Office of New Reactors, US NRC (Starts ~ 1:46:00 on WebEx)
  • Chris Wills, California Geological Survey - Independent Peer Review Panel (IPRP of CPUC) (Starts 25:48 on Video, about 2:12 in WebEx)
  • Jeanne Hardebeck - USGS -- Earthquake Hazards Team (starts at 47:11 on video and 2:33:00 in WebEx)

Part 3

TO SYNCHRONIZE WITH WEBEX: Play/FF WebEx to (TBD) and start video. Listen to Web Ex as the audio is clearer. If you pause the YouTube Video carefully, you can synchronize the two and watch BOTH the video and webex slides. Slides will turn the same as in the video but at much higher resolution!

First few minutes of this part were missed. Skip first 3 minutes to avoid seeing the camera being set up. NOTE ALSO, that the titles on this video are incorrect.

Part 4

Part 5

This part includes a presentation on Thorium reactors, which will supposedly solve "all the problems of nuclear".

Part 6


Media Form edit

Title California Energy Commission on Nuclear Energy, 2013-06-19
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Ray Lutz
Pub Date 2013-06-19
Media Link
Embed HTML
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Keywords Shut San Onofre
Media Type Video, Presentation
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
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I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
02_Nelson_2013_Nuclear_IEPR_SONGS_Retirement-1.pdfpdf 02_Nelson_2013_Nuclear_IEPR_SONGS_Retirement-1.pdf manage 158 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:23 Raymond Lutz Slides of SEC presentation on San Onofre.
Topic revision: r8 - 11 Mar 2015, RaymondLutz
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